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Music Theory Online Quizzes
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Points Possible: 5
1 Point
Using letter names and #, b, bb, or x as needed, notate the following scale (repeat the first note on top like ABbCD#EFGA): Bb natural minor
1 Point
Using letter names and #, b, bb, or x as needed, notate the following scale (repeat the first note on top like ABbCD#EFGA): A natural minor
1 Point
Using letter names and #, b, bb, or x as needed, notate the following scale (repeat the first note on top like ABbCD#EFGA): G# natural minor
1 Point
Using letter names and #, b, bb, or x as needed, notate the following scale (repeat the first note on top like ABbCD#EFGA): A# natural minor
1 Point
Using letter names and #, b, bb, or x as needed, notate the following scale (repeat the first note on top like ABbCD#EFGA): B natural minor
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