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Points Possible: 5
1 Point
Assuming the MINOR key indicated by the key signature, check all the options that are true for the given chord:
Major triad
Minor triad
Diminished triad
Augmented triad
. . . plus a major seventh
. . . plus a minor seventh
. . . plus a diminished seventh
Mode mixture [select root below; in minor keys, assume V/iv, NOT I, and V/VII, NOT IV]
V/x or V7/x or LT/x or LT7/x [select x below; assume #vi dim NOT LT/VII and ii dim NOT LT/III]
1: I / IM7 / i / i7
b2: N / NM7
2: ii / ii7 / ii dim / ii half-dim 7
3/b3: iii / iii7 / III / IIIM7 / III+ / bIII
4: IV / IVM7 / iv / iv7
5: V / V7 / v / v7 / V+ / V+7
6/b6/#6: vi / vi7 / VI / VIM7 / #vi dim / #vi half-dim 7 / bVI
7/b7: vii dim / vii half-dim 7 / vii dim7 / VII / bVII
1 Point
Assuming the major key indicated by the key signature, check all the options that are true for the given chord:
Major triad
Minor triad
Diminished triad
Augmented triad
. . . plus a major seventh
. . . plus a minor seventh
. . . plus a diminished seventh
Mode mixture [select root below; in minor keys, assume V/iv, NOT I, and V/VII, NOT IV]
V/x or V7/x or LT/x or LT7/x [select x below; assume #vi dim NOT LT/VII and ii dim NOT LT/III]
1: I / IM7 / i / i7
b2: N / NM7
2: ii / ii7 / ii dim / ii half-dim 7
3/b3: iii / iii7 / III / IIIM7 / III+ / bIII
4: IV / IVM7 / iv / iv7
5: V / V7 / v / v7 / V+ / V+7
6/b6/#6: vi / vi7 / VI / VIM7 / #vi dim / #vi half-dim 7 / bVI
7/b7: vii dim / vii half-dim 7 / vii dim7 / VII / bVII
1 Point
Assuming the major key indicated by the key signature, check all the options that are true for the given chord:
Major triad
Minor triad
Diminished triad
Augmented triad
. . . plus a major seventh
. . . plus a minor seventh
. . . plus a diminished seventh
Mode mixture [select root below; in minor keys, assume V/iv, NOT I, and V/VII, NOT IV]
V/x or V7/x or LT/x or LT7/x [select x below; assume #vi dim NOT LT/VII and ii dim NOT LT/III]
1: I / IM7 / i / i7
b2: N / NM7
2: ii / ii7 / ii dim / ii half-dim 7
3/b3: iii / iii7 / III / IIIM7 / III+ / bIII
4: IV / IVM7 / iv / iv7
5: V / V7 / v / v7 / V+ / V+7
6/b6/#6: vi / vi7 / VI / VIM7 / #vi dim / #vi half-dim 7 / bVI
7/b7: vii dim / vii half-dim 7 / vii dim7 / VII / bVII
1 Point
Assuming the MINOR key indicated by the key signature, check all the options that are true for the given chord:
Major triad
Minor triad
Diminished triad
Augmented triad
. . . plus a major seventh
. . . plus a minor seventh
. . . plus a diminished seventh
Mode mixture [select root below; in minor keys, assume V/iv, NOT I, and V/VII, NOT IV]
V/x or V7/x or LT/x or LT7/x [select x below; assume #vi dim NOT LT/VII and ii dim NOT LT/III]
1: I / IM7 / i / i7
b2: N / NM7
2: ii / ii7 / ii dim / ii half-dim 7
3/b3: iii / iii7 / III / IIIM7 / III+ / bIII
4: IV / IVM7 / iv / iv7
5: V / V7 / v / v7 / V+ / V+7
6/b6/#6: vi / vi7 / VI / VIM7 / #vi dim / #vi half-dim 7 / bVI
7/b7: vii dim / vii half-dim 7 / vii dim7 / VII / bVII
1 Point
Assuming the major key indicated by the key signature, check all the options that are true for the given chord:
Major triad
Minor triad
Diminished triad
Augmented triad
. . . plus a major seventh
. . . plus a minor seventh
. . . plus a diminished seventh
Mode mixture [select root below; in minor keys, assume V/iv, NOT I, and V/VII, NOT IV]
V/x or V7/x or LT/x or LT7/x [select x below; assume #vi dim NOT LT/VII and ii dim NOT LT/III]
1: I / IM7 / i / i7
b2: N / NM7
2: ii / ii7 / ii dim / ii half-dim 7
3/b3: iii / iii7 / III / IIIM7 / III+ / bIII
4: IV / IVM7 / iv / iv7
5: V / V7 / v / v7 / V+ / V+7
6/b6/#6: vi / vi7 / VI / VIM7 / #vi dim / #vi half-dim 7 / bVI
7/b7: vii dim / vii half-dim 7 / vii dim7 / VII / bVII
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