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Music Theory Online Quizzes
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Points Possible: 5
1 Point
List pitches from low to high in root position (use letter names plus b, #, x, and bb only, with no spaces, like CEbG) for vii dim in G# minor.
1 Point
List pitches from low to high in root position (use letter names plus b, #, x, and bb only, with no spaces, like CEbG) for VII in Ab minor.
1 Point
List pitches from low to high in root position (use letter names plus b, #, x, and bb only, with no spaces, like CEbG) for VI in Eb minor.
1 Point
List pitches from low to high in root position (use letter names plus b, #, x, and bb only, with no spaces, like CEbG) for i in Ab minor.
1 Point
List pitches from low to high in root position (use letter names plus b, #, x, and bb only, with no spaces, like CEbG) for VII in G minor.
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