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Music theory at

Points Possible: 5


1 Point

Select the best explanation for the substitutions used to change the progression [ D#7--G#7--C#7--F#7 ] to the new progression [ A7--G#7--G#min7--C#7--F#7 ].


1 Point

Select the best explanation for the substitutions used to change the progression [ Amin7--D7--G7--Gmin7--C7--F7 ] to the new progression [ D7--G7--C7--F7 ].


1 Point

Select the best explanation for the substitutions used to change the progression [ A7--Ab7--G7--Gb7 ] to the new progression [ Eb7--D7--G7--Gb7 ].


1 Point

Select the best explanation for the substitutions used to change the progression [ Fmin7--Bb7--Eb7--D7--Db7 ] to the new progression [ Bb7--Eb7--Ab7--Db7 ].


1 Point

Select the best explanation for the substitutions used to change the progression [ Gbmin7--B7--E7--Emin7--A7--D7 ] to the new progression [ B7--E7--A7--D7 ].

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